THE self made BLOG

Why I Prioritize Having Fun (And You Should Too!)



I help overworked entrepreneurs scale their business to 10k- $100k a month in passive income without burning out so they have plenty of time for luxury travel, slow mornings, and spending time with their kids using The SELF Made Method.





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We Have GOT To Start Having More Fun


I’m writing to you bright and early from Del Mar, CA where we hosted an annual retreat this weekend for The Unicorn Club (a company I co-founded with JJ Virgin for women entrepreneurs).

If you follow me on Insta you probably saw the many stories I posted. And if you’re not following me there, come on over! It’s a good time.

I always take SO much away from these events.

And what I realized this weekend, being surrounded by badass entrepreneurial women running empires, is the importance of taking time to just… have FUN!

I realized I haven’t been doing that enough lately.

I’ve been focused on my businesses (wait until you see all the goodness I’m going to be launching and sharing!) and of course, focused on my family and friends.

I’ve also taken good care of mySELF. You know… all the things we ladies (and fellas too!) do to stay tip top.

But those things are different from good ol’ fashion, laugh until your belly hurts, smile until your face feels stuck, FUN!

So, I’m recalibrating mySELF.

I’m looking at how I can bring more FUN into everything I do – even (especially) work. More on that later.

Mike Ricker, author of The Fun Habit: How The Disciplined Pursuit of Joy And Wonder Can Change Your Lifewrote “Fun is something you can do. It doesn’t require education, money or power. All it requires is intentionality.”

I love that.

AND… I’m realizing that I’m not always intentional about fun so… that changes today!

For example, I’m hopping on the road in a bit to drive back to LA. Normally, I would listen to business podcasts but not today!

Today, I’m going to pump up the volume on these audio wonders! 

(I know, there’s a story theme here. They’re kinda my thing. 🙃 )

There’s SO much more I will do to be intentional about having more fun but I’m also not waiting until I have a “plan” or everything is “perfect”.

I’m starting today with one, small action – podcasts.

What can YOU do today to have more fun?

Ok, this suitcase isn’t gonna pack itself, so I gotta get on it.

But you keep reading because I got some good stuff for you!

Here’s to unicorns and having fun til our face hurts!



Remember when you were a little kid?

Remember when you would run and play, frolic in the sun (does anyone still say “frolic”?), and live your best life?

You had FUN! Life was a good time!

I remember those days fondly.

But as we get older, we start to have less fun by default. 

There is work to do, bills to pay, kids to raise.

We’re tired, distracted, or we haven’t “planned” for it.

So… we just don’t do it.

But if you’re ready to stop this madness, let yourself go and have a good time, and forget about all your daily responsibilities and just live in the moment, for a moment, I can help!

Here are some ideas you can start to implement TODAY (don’t plan it or wait for things to be “perfect”)…

  • Hula hoop!
  • Brew your own beer
  • Listen to a fun podcast (see above for a few recs!)
  • Have coffee (tea, champagne, etc.) with a friend
  • Have a picnic in your backyard – alone or with the fam
  • Host a game night
  • Explore your city or town as a tourist, visiting landmarks and attractions
  • Movie night! Make homemade tickets, popcorn, and take turns reviewing it once it’s done!
  • Attend community events like concerts, festivals, or an outdoor movie
  • Turn on some music and try out a new recipe – let the family partake (in both cooking and cleanup) Need inspo? THIS book is the GOAT!
  • Visit a local museum or art gallery (one of my faves!)
  • Stargaze on a blanket while the theme song from Star Wars plays
  • Have a dance party at home! (Play music through headphones for an even more fun experience!)
  • Join a book club or start your own to discuss your favorite reads
  • Have a themed costume party with friends
  • Take a bike ride around your neighborhood
  • Do an escape room

Pro Tip: Schedule fun on the calendar!

Yes… fun is supposed to be fun AND you and me both know that the things that get done are the things on your calendar.

An appointment for fun is just as important as anything else (I’ll share some reasons on this below) so schedule it!

And remember, fun doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive. It just has to BE!


In our fast-paced and demanding world, self-care has become a MUST for maintaining physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

And when we think of well-being, we tend to think of things like eating healthy, exercising, meditating, etc. I know I do, anyway!

But we must stop overlooking FUN when it comes to SELF Care.

When you let loose and do things that light up your soul, you’re gifting yourself an oasis of joy and relaxation. Who doesn’t want that?

But here’s the kicker…fun isn’t just about letting loose (though that’s pretty awesome!).

It’s also like a secret recipe that enhances your mental superpowers!

When you’re having a blast, your brain secretly processes information, firing up your creativity and focus.

In fact, studies show that having fun:

  • Reduces stress
  • Improves relationships
  • Boosts energy
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Helps us focus
  • Improves problem-solving skills
  • And boosts productivity!
  • You see, fun is not merely frivolous entertainment reserved for children. It is a crucial component of SELF Care!

So, let’s amp up the SELF Care game, shall we?

Embrace those hobbies, adventures, and passions that make your heart race.

Let the joy flow, the stress melt away, and your creative genius soar.

Your future SELF will thank you!

Pro Tip: Fun is better together! So, put together a group of 3 – 5 people, just like YOU, who are ready to uplevel their fun level. Now you’ve got a Fun Squad! 🥳

Take turns planning fun things to do so the pressure isn’t always on you to make it happen. This is what we do with The Unicorn Club and the women love it!

Want more ideas on how to have fun? Check out The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive AgainThe title alone gives me shivers.

And if you’ve made it this far with absolutely NO interest in having fun at all, then let me humbly recommend this book for you instead!



Now you might be thinking… all this talk about fun is, well… fun, and all Cynthia. But I need to focus on work/growing my brand/running a business. Can you help me with SELF Made Success?

Well friend, did you know that fun can be a secret ingredient for success? I knowwww, I’m doubling down on it! 

In the pursuit of our goals and dreams, we often get lost in the grind, but having fun fuels passion and motivation.

When we enjoy what we do, we become more driven. We’re persistent, and willing to put in the work to reach our dreams.

Having fun keeps us engaged and energized, transforming challenges into exciting opportunities.

Instead of thinking, “MF! Here’s yet ANOTHER thing I have to deal with” we can shift that to, “Oh look! An opportunity for me (or a team member) to grow, learn, and discover new ways to be better.”

I know, that’s quite the shift but remember that events that happen are just that – random events.

It’s YOU that gives them meaning through the stories you tell. So… why not tell a fun story?! 🍾

If you’re still not sold, did you know that fun enhances creativity and problem-solving skills? It’s true!

It frees our minds, allowing new ideas to flow like water off a frog’s back.

When we’re relaxed and having a good time, we think outside the box and find genius solutions! (The same thing happens in the shower but showers aren’t always that fun.)

Finally, if you work with a team, fun deepens relationships and builds a powerful network. 

Laughing together fosters trust and camaraderie, making collaboration smoother and more enjoyable. As a team, you feel invincible, like everything is possible!

In fact, at my companies, we’re in the process of reflecting on our mission and values and guess what we’re putting at the top of the list?

You guessed it – FUN! 

So, let’s rewrite our stories around success and fun not going together and instead, recognize fun as a vital ingredient in the recipe for becoming a SELF Made Success!

If you want, or… not! The choice, as always, is yours!

(And if you’re just not having me on this whole “fun” thing today, let me lovingly refer you back to this book. Enjoy! PS This is ME having FUN!)

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