make more money, do iconic shit, enjoy more free time

Hi, friend! I'm CYNTHIA GARCIA

Are YOU Ready to

Create A Life And Business

so good You're only

Jealous of YourSELF?

If so, you've come to the right party!

hey friend!

i'm cynthia

I help ambitious entrepreneurs who want to do iconic shit effortlessly scale their business to $100k a month in passive income while having plenty of time for luxury travel, slow mornings, spending time with their kids, and continuing to build their motherfucking empire. 

i'm the person you come to when you're ready to get out of your own way and finally get shit done. 

But right now... it feels like the OPPOSITE is true. 

You started your business for more freedom, financial independence, and flexibility.


  • Make sales daily, on autopilot without being chained to your desk, phone, or Zoom 
  • Be the one that people can't stop talking about
  • Enjoy luxury travel, a high-end ride, that Chanel bag, and a home that screams "I’ve made it"
  • Have your entire existence feel like a full body “fuck yes"

You are not alone.

I too started a business with the best intentions only to end up working all the time and sacrificing my health and relationships.


I tried a lot of things that didn’t work - planners, programs, masterminds, systems, you name it. The anxiety was exhausting.

One night as my daughter slept, I saw a quote from Earl Nightingale that read, “We are all self made but only the successful will admit it.”  It hit hard.

Being a coach to celebrities and influential leaders, I had access to a unique world. I noticed these self made people did things differently. 

They decided WHO they wanted to BE first and that determined HOW they took action. 

I learned their secrets, shifted my identity, and focused on creating passive income with online courses. 

Thirty days later, I had actually made MORE money while working LESS. I've never looked back. I was truly SELF Made.

My "never fucking again" moment came when I burnt out, my marriage ended, and I became a single mom overnight.  Something had to change.

And now?

Well now, I now have plenty of time to schedule luxe travel with my daughter, book spontaneous getaways with my husband, and enjoy spa days for SELF care - all while continuing to grow my businesses.

My "never fucking again" moment came when I burnt out from working all the time, my marriage ended, and I became a single mom overnight. 

The stories you tell

yourSELF               yourSELF

create yourSELF.

but When you rewrite your stories in a way that serves you instead of keeping you stuck, You can SCALE YOUR BUSINESS EFFORTLESSLY USING YOUr NEW IDENTITY AS YOUR GUIDE.

You can become SELF Made.

they become your Identity. 

your identity is the way you see yourself, and what you think is possible for you.



Everyone in this day and age can be SELF Made (emphasis on "self").

They can make their money, make their rules, and make their dreams come true without getting permission, approval, or being chosen by anyone. 
It’s time to rewrite the stories and rewrite the rules. 

SELF Made - (adjective) - Getting paid (well) to be YOU by creating a new identity and helping others solve problems using your unique gifts and experience without sacrificing your sanity, your health, or your relationships. 

allow me to introduce myself

Read my full story...

I'm Cynthia Garcia

After being raised in poverty, experiencing abuse, ending up homeless, and thinking suicide was the only escape, I figured some things out.  

Today I'm a true self made multi-millionaire who has created multiple 7 and 8-figure companies. I've been a coach for 19 years and have taught over 30,000 students. I'm often referred to as the "secret weapon" to celebrities and thought leaders.

Other thought leaders tend to focus solely on outdated mindset, inadequate manifesting, or shiny strategies that won’t work until you get out of your own way. (I said it.)

This leaves you stuck, thinking it’s your fault. Ugh.

Instead, I focus on what no one else is teaching: the REAL secrets to becoming SELF Made (aka the "Who" AND the "How" of making money).

When you learn them, you will be seen as the authority and effortlessly scale your business to $100k a month in passive income while having plenty of time for luxury travel, slow mornings, and spending time with your kids!

I'm the founder and CEO of the Institute of  Transformational Nutrition and The Modern Life Coach School. 

I do things differently

I took mySELF out of a world of poverty and lack and stepped into one of wealth, privilege, and access. You belong here too. I can show you how to become the person and build the business that grants you access to the world of the SELF Made.

The SELF Made Model






Rewrite the stories that have kept you stuck and embrace the identity of a $100k month entrepreneur who scales your online business as effortlessly as opening your favorite bottle of champs!


The secret to being SELF Made is not HOW you make the money. It is WHO you have to be to make the money. When you lock in the who, the how comes effortlessly.

Find your unique position, be seen as the authority, build your audience, and put your business on autopilot while exhaling as you watch your bank balance grow!

Want to know why you’re not making sales daily, on autopilot, while you sip your fave glass of champs or enjoy the day at the spa?

"Finally, somebody's got it right... This girl is amazing!"


"This woman is so wonderful! She is a beautiful being of light and a thought leader in a world that is so frightening to people sometimes."


"If you think Cynthia's work is all about looking good and feeling good... look again! This woman's work creates well-being from the inside out that gives everyone who consumes her work that one-of-a-kind glow that everyone deserves."

- gina devee

"If you think Cynthia's work is all about looking good and feeling good... look again! This woman's work creates well-being from the inside out that gives everyone who consumes her work that one-of-a-kind glow that
everyone deserves."

"One of the most amazing humans on the planet."


Brand New Masterclass: Effortless Sales in Just 30 Days!

Unlock high cash months, enjoy slow mornings, and build an iconic business

Unlock higher cash months, enjoy slow mornings, book that island vacay, and build an iconic business so
you become THAT boss -

Steal my 3-step framework to increase sales for your online business in just 30 days!

Without The Hustle Or Overwhelm!  

Leading expert in

transformational mindset work

— forbes magazine

Meet the weekly email you'll actually look forward to!


SELF Made Sunday is like me as your private coach (and fairy godmother) in email form.

Imagine... a smile crosses your face as you see yet another $3k deposit hit your bank account just from using that ONE TIP you learned from the SELF Made Sunday newsletter.


let's connect!

If you want to effortlessly grow your business to $100k months, do iconic shit and be seen as the authority in your niche while having plenty of time for luxury travel, slow mornings, spending time with your kids... Welcome home.

Come say hi + peek BTS →

Should be interesting →

Watch my show! →


the cynthia garcia family of coaching companies

personal coaching

life coach certification

health coach certification

Brand New Masterclass:

Steal My 4-Step Freedom Funnel Framework And Learn EXACTLY How I Went From $35k - $550k Months (In Only 8 Months)

watch the Masterclass Now!