I help entrepreneurs grow their business without working harder so they can relax and grow rich!

I've educated over 32,000 students and I'm often referred to as the "secret weapon" to celebrities, experts, and thought leaders.

I know what it takes to come from nothing and build real brands and businesses that stand the test of time.

I want to save you years, maybe even decades, of trial and error and tens of thousands of dollars chasing bullshit advice found in every corner of the internet.

On a personal note... I have a husband who I’m stupid in love with, a daughter I would fight a tiger for, and friends who would help me bury the bodies.

I'm also obsessed with skincare and true crime. 

From No Running Water to Making It Rain

i'm a ceo, 3x founder, wife, and mama

But maybe we'd better start at the beginning...

I know, I know... not another "rags to riches" story. 

But this one might just be different than anything you've heard before.  

It starts with me growing up in a 4-room shack with no running water or indoor plumbing. We relied on social security disability checks (that totaled a whopping $13,000 a year) and food stamps to make ends meet. I was surrounded by drug and alcohol abuse. 

My home was chaotic and unpredictable and domestic abuse took place almost daily. Children’s Services got involved after my dad was arrested for attempted murder of my mom.

Like I said, it's not your typical story. 

"What do you mean you don’t have a bathroom or water in your house?” she said with a disgusted look.

I felt my face turn red as the other kids started to laugh.

Don’t let them see you cry, Cynthia.

“Whatever!” I said. 

“One day, I’ll have so many bathrooms it’ll take me TEN MINUTES just to pick one!” I shot back.

I turned around, my hand-me-down sneakers pinching my toes, and walked straight into the bathroom with my head held high.

And THEN I let the tears flow. For a really long time. 

Eventually, the embarrassment and hurt turned to anger.  And anger turned to determination.

And in that moment, I swore that I would do whatever it took to make my declaration come true. I would be rich as fuck.

Now, the truth is... it took a minute and I made ALL the mistakes.

But would you believe... I actually did that shit?

And now?

Well now, I have plenty of bathrooms and running water. And, I no longer wear hand-me-down shoes.

Today, I run multi-million dollar businesses that help people - like you - live their dreams too. 

My goal is to be the mentor I never had. It's to make it easier for you than it was for me so you don't have to work long hours or sacrifice your sanity, health, or relationships.

And while it doesn't take me ten minutes to pick a bathroom, I'm grateful every day that I have the option.

My road to success was anything but paved.

I’ve been broke, bullied, and homeless. I’ve dealt with depression, abused drugs and alcohol, and suffered from mental health issues like depression and anxiety as long as I can remember.

I had no rich uncle, didn’t inherit money, didn’t marry rich, and no one gave me anything.

But I was delusional and determined.

Even from a young age, I would pretend I was already my future self. And she was amazing.

She wasn't ashamed of her home or her family environment. 

Instead of hand-me-downs or clothes from Goodwill, she dressed to the nines. 

She had friends and parties. She was rich. She was the vibe.

I spent every single moment planning how I would become her.

And then I got to work.

I painted signs for trailer parks, cleaned houses, picked and sold berries on the side of the road, and any other random jobs people would pay me for. Clearly entrepreneurship was in my future.

I decided my future self lived in the City of Angels (because of course she did).

So, I packed my bags and thought... "what could possibly go wrong?" (Apparently, fucking everything.)

Within 48 hour of arriving in the city, I was homeless. Good times.

But again... I was not deterred and I was absolutely still delusional. I was not giving up on my dream. 

I started modeling (some people have a trust fund, I had a face) and working in the TV industry. That led to a horrible case of imposter syndrome that I used drugs and alcohol to cope with. 

When that lifestyle led to a complete health breakdown, I used the last available credit on my three credit cards to enroll in a nutrition coach certification program to heal my self  -  and that changed my life.

I had always known that education was the key to everything I wanted and this situation would prove it for good. 

I launched my business and things skyrocketed (and then crashed).

After I realized that being healthy was about more than food and workouts, I created a new model of nutrition, called Transformational Nutrition. I wanted to give others the tools I didn't have - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

It was slow at first and I hustled hard, creating opportunity after opportunity. Soon, word spread. I worked with celebrities, CEOs, and thought leaders.

I co-founded an award-winning supplement company whose products were used by top celebrities, sold in stories like Whole Foods, and wildly featured in the press.

I was featured as an expert in media all over the world.  When I couldn't keep up, I created more of what had helped me change my life: education. 

I wrote books, created online programs, and eventually founded my own institute for training other coaches to practice Transformational Nutrition. Time Magazine recognized my book, PINK Method, as one of the most popular diets of the year.

While this was all amazing, I was working all the time. My "never fucking again" moment came when I burnt out, my marriage ended, and I became a single mom overnight. Something had to change.

One night as my daughter slept, I saw a quote from Earl Nightingale that read, “We are all self made but only the successful will admit it.” 

That's when I decided to relax and grow rich.

Yep, still delusional as fuck I thought... "What if I just worked (way) less and made (way) more."

And as you already know... it worked.

I used what I now call The SELF Made Model to get clarity on exactly what I wanted my business and life to look like. No more sacrificing what mattered most. Then, I worked backwards.

I created the identity of my future self and started acting accordingly.

This made the strategy clear.  I changed my entire business model, focused on systems and automation, and surrounded myself with amazing people.

To be clear... I made ALL the mistakes in the process. But I learned.

My mission today is share what REALLY works (and what doesn’t) based on 20 years of running multi-million dollar businesses so you too can relax and grow rich.

And I'm really good at it.

This life isn't just for me.

You, too, have the power to change your identity, work less, and make way more money, starting today.

You don’t have to buy into the lies of hustle culture, working long hours or sacrificing your own needs for others.

Together, we can build our empires, make our money, and quite literally change the world all while taking good care of ourselves and our families. 

We can remember who the fuck we are and that everything is possible if we choose it to be. 

It took me years to figure out the secret to being SELF Made (as it does most) but I can teach you what I’ve learned, the things that will change your life, in just months. 

It’s time to rewrite the stories and rewrite the rules. 

It’s time to become SELF Made.

Start Here to Design Success on Your Terms!

PS Since we're all doing that whole transparency thing...

To be clear, I am not just another Ponzi scheme coach/course creator selling courses about making courses.
(that'll probably ruffle some pixels) 

I have built brick and mortar businesses to multiple-millions, successfully exited companies I founded, and launched new ones that have gone on to scale to 7 and 8-figures.

I've written books that have sold over a million copies, spoken to and advised leaders in Fortune 500 companies, and coached people from all walks of life, including celebrities and billionaires.

I help people build and scale real brands and real businesses that will stand the test of time and help change the world. 

I won't waste your time or your money. Just the opposite, in fact.

Sound interesting? Start here.

Leading expert in

transformational mindset work

— forbes magazine

fun facts

I believe that no matter where you've been or what you've been through, you can create a life and business so good you're only jealous of yourSELF!

I also cuss. A solid amount. Here's why. 


food + drink

Champagne and oysters, and of course, pizza!

Fun fact: I didn't have sushi, champs, or oysters until I was almost 30! I'm now making up for lost time.

What I'm 

obsessed with

My daughter, Rain. Completely.

And skincare. ALL the skincare! 

And true crime. Why is this relaxing to me?

What I'm 

not about

Excuses, fake people, and perpetual victims. 

what I


Everything is possible. Yep, everything. 

I believe it doesn't matter where you've been or what you've been through, you too can create a life and career so good you're only jealous of yourSELF!

You Are Not Alone

I too worked the long hours, sacrificed my health and relationships, and was terrified that if I let up, I would lose it all. 

I know what it's like to feel like an imposter, to think everyone else knew something I didn't, and to believe that I was just really bad at this whole entrepreneur thing. 

I believed I had to do more to have more to have more. And I desperately wanted to change things. 

So, I let go of all the lies and limiting beliefs holding me back. I confronted my own bullshit.

I rewrote the stories that had kept me stuck.

I created and embraced a new identity of the person who was living my dream. And my entire life changed.

I designed the life I wanted to live, without apology, and then stepped into it like it was Cinderella’s slipper. I became SELF Made. 

YOU can too!

I invite you to take my hand, grab your cutest pair of shoes, and step out of your world and into mine.

It’s a world brimming with possibilities where you’ll discover the secrets to becoming SELF Made and become the designer of your destiny.

A world where you can finally relax and grow rich.

QUIZ: Reveal the story keeping you stuck!

what i most want you to know is... 

take the quiz!

Discover the hidden story that's keeping you stuck so you can finally grow your business without working harder

Take this 60 second quiz to discover the HIDDEN story keeping you stuck and get an exclusive FREE training to help you rewrite it so you can relax and grow rich.


Cynthia Garcia is the CEO of the Institute of Transformational Nutrition (ITN), and The Modern Life Coach School.

After overcoming a dysfunctional childhood in the Appalachian Mountains filled with crippling poverty, abuse, addiction, and mental health issues, she went on to become a three-time founder, investor, author, and host of the upcoming show, I'd Like to Thank MySELF.

Through her career, Cynthia has educated over 32,000 students in 116 countries. Her corporate clients have included Morgan Stanley, Kodak, and Fidelity Investments.

With her Southern charm and down-to-earth approach, Cynthia has been featured in several media outlets including Forbes, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Elle, and many more. She was the official nutritionist for Revenge Body with Khloé Kardashian and is a sought-after expert for shows such as The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Doctors, The Dr. Phil Show, and others.

Forbes Magazine called her the “leading expert in the field of modern-day mindset”.

Cynthia is deeply passionate about the transformative power of education. Through her philanthropic efforts, she is dedicated to equipping kids and teens with the essential life, leadership, and business skills they need to be successful in all the ways that actually matter.

Cynthia is a leader and an inspiration born of her own personal history. She lives in Los Angeles, CA with her husband and daughter.

To connect with Cynthia, you can follow her on all social media channels at @iamcynthiagarcia.

let's connect!

If you want to grow your business without working harder so you can enjoy slow mornings, luxury travel, and giving your kids the life they never had...
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Let's be friends!

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