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Start Doing This To Become Your Future Self Now



I help overworked entrepreneurs scale their business to 10k- $100k a month in passive income without burning out so they have plenty of time for luxury travel, slow mornings, and spending time with their kids using The SELF Made Method.





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How To Become Your Ideal Future Self

This past week I was in the gutter. Cynthia Garcia lays in bed sick thinking about how she needs to start BEING more and DOING less to get where she wants in the future.

I had a health issue that laid me out flat in bed for an entire week.

If you know me, you know I don’t do well not doing.

I’m a terrible sick person. I have things to do, after all.

In fact… I had set aside that week to check off a longggg list of “to do’s”.

Rain was with her dad and Zak was out of town so I had the entire week to myself.

I told myself this was going to be amazing.

I would finally be ahead and be able focus on other things.

And then, I couldn’t get out of bed. #facepalm

I was so frustrated but more than anything, I was really sick.

Like 102.5 fever sick with hallucinations.

I was burning up and freezing to death at the same time.

Now here’s the punchline… this is not the first time this has happened to me.

Again…. #facepalm

I know my way around this rodeo.

But what I decided as I laid there, trying to find a comfortable position, is that it would be the last.

I couldn’t work, that was out of the question. So instead of doing, I let myself be. It was such a wakeup call.

You see, I have big dreams. (I’m the gal that believes “everything is possible,” after all.)

And I will work my face off to achieve them.

But lately, things haven’t come easy. I’ve done the work but haven’t got the results.

And that’s because I can not reach the big goals I have by doing.

It’s just not physically or mentally possible.

What’s got me to where I am today will not get me to where I want to go in the future.

I have to change the way I BE. I have to change the way I show up, lead, give feedback, choose ideas to take action on and more.

But most importantly, I have to double down on being who I will be when I reach my goals now.

That will mean I think from the future not the present.

The future me doesn’t work harder for results. She works smarter.

And of course, I’ll still DO things. I’ll just do the right things. And my doing will come second to my being.

From a place of being, I can create anything.

Scratch that… From a place of being, I can create EVERYTHING.

So today, look at how you can start BEING more and DOING less.

It could be something as simple as “I don’t do overwhelm.” Or “I care for myself always in all ways.

That is how you’re choosing to BE.

Choose one new way of being and start doing it today.

Love you!


PS – For more on creating your Ideal Future SELF, read “Why Showing Up For Yourself Is So Important.”

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