I've been called a "big sis, mentor, blow-some-shit-up buddy". Want to see why?

Private Coaching

Private coaching is a high-touch, deeply personalized coaching opportunity to help you finally break out of your self-imposed prison and live the life you’ve always wanted.

I’ll help you increase revenue and scale your business without working harder so you can finally enjoy the freedom you started your business for in the first place.

Consider me your fairy godmother in coach form.

Sure... you could do it yourself...

Except you haven't. You have ideas to grow your business but you're not sure which ones will actually work.

You see others making (way) more money with inferior products, programs, and services and you wonder what you're missing.

You just want someone to look at your business, show you hidden opportunities you can't see and give you a clear, effective strategy to take your business to the next level - without working harder. 

That's where I come in.

what you'll get

a clear growth strategy

Clear, actionable strategies tailored to your business from an expert who has successfully navigated the challenges you face.

Rapid Implementation

A high-impact, personalized strategy to achieve rapid growth - without the guesswork or wasting time and money.

more freedom

Clear, actionable steps to make more money with less effort by working smarter, not harder.

private coaching is right for:


People who have bold dreams but feel stuck; like you’re duct-taped to your current place in life. You need someone to help you get out of your own way and show you what's possible.


Entrepreneurs ready to scale fast but who need clarity on THE strategy that's going to get them there - without working 12 hour days.


Entrepreneurs who are ready to cut through the fluff, skip yet another online program, and go straight to the expert for personalized strategy to skyrocket their income and help more people.

sound like you?

investment information


I don't accept all clients. In fact, I’m very discerning. If you’re not 100% ready, willing, and committed to doing the work, I’m not the right coach for you.

If you’re not willing to invest the necessary time and money to create real transformation, I’m not the right coach for you.

I also only coach people on things I can personally support and feel good about. I will not help you launch something into the world if it’s harmful to others – physically, mentally, or spiritually.

My rates are wildly high for the person who doesn’t value themselves and what they have to offer.

For those people who are ready to stop wasting this one precious life and build a life and business so wonderful they can't even believe it's real, my rates are a no-brainer.


private coaching options


Private VIP Day

Held at my private home in Los Angeles*, this private immersive experience brings together my 20 years of proven experience in marketing, branding, and scaling businesses to 7 and 8 figures. It's designed to skyrocket your success in record time.

I'll do a deep dive audit on your business in advance so we hit the ground running. 

On your Private VIP Day, you’ll elevate what you thought was possible for you and your business and walk away with a step-by-step, actionable plan for immediate and sustainable business growth plus the confidence and mindset to execute it effortlessly - with no overwhelm.

Some of the things my Private VIP clients have use this day for:

This is more than just a coaching session—it’s a luxury experience designed to elevate your business and your life.

Investment: $25,000

*Also available on Zoom


SELF Made Strategy Session

A SELF Made Strategy Session is a quick start, personalized service for those who are ready to fast track building their brand, creating irresistable offers, and boosting sales fast. 

This strategy session includes an audit of your messaging, offer suite, branding, positioning, or sales page with clear feedback and a clear action plan to help you reach your goals.

This is followed by a 60-minute coaching session to review the audit, get clear on your path forward, and scale your income without working harder. 

You'll receive instant access to the recording and strategy documents for fast implementation and income growth - without working harder.

Investment: $5,000

  • Planning a successful launch
  • Scaling an existing offer 
  • Creating recurring revenue
  • Adding new income streams
  • Creating your online course
  • Creating your stand-out iconic brand
  • Creating your high-ticket offer
  • Messaging that stands out and converts
  • Creating or improving sales funnel conversion
  • Scaling your certification program

walk away with:


A clear strategy to go from where you ARE to where you WANT TO BE WITHOUT working harder.


New ideas for additional revenue streams, partnerships, or offers you can put on autopilot and CHARGE MORE for without objections.


How to establish a clear WHO  and get out of your own way so that the HOW of growing your business is effortless.


A simple strategy to CLEARLY STAND OUT from the competition and be seen as the go-to expert in your field so marketing and selling is easy.

feel like it's a fit?


Private coaching is by application only. Once you apply, we’ll have a Zoom call to see if we’re a good match and go from there.

let's connect!

If you want to effortlessly grow your business to $100k months, do iconic shit and be seen as the authority in your niche while having plenty of time for luxury travel, slow mornings, spending time with your kids... Welcome home.

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